Skin Care Steals on Amazon!

Skin Care Steals on Amazon!

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The holidays are around the corner! This is a great time of year to find deals for gifts and to stock up on some goodies for yourself.


Take a look through your everyday go-to beauty products and see if there are any deals..


The products I find that tend to be perfect to load up on are:


Shampoos and conditioners are perfect for an Amazon buy! One of my biggest pet peeves is finding a shampoo at the store and not finding its complimentary conditioner. I love that Amazon usually sells these as pairs. When it comes to shampoos and conditioners, I often recommend switching up brand names to avoid residue buildup from different products. Throw a couple of brands in your cart to try out to save yourself time in the store. (Tip: make sure these are larger quantities - 33 ounces or so. It’s so frustrating to think you got a steal only to find mini-bottles show up at your house!).


My favorite shampoo brands are ... (Click the products to shop now!)



When it comes to moisturizing during the colder months, I encourage my patients to buy the biggest bottle at the cheapest price of fragrance free moisturizer and use it right after every shower! Shop by clicking on the products!



Anyone that has been to a Dermatologist probably also knows that we love white petrolatum or petroleum jelly. Studies have shown that routine daily  use of an emollient from birth can reduce the chances of developing eczema by as much as 50%. Vaseline or petroleum jelly was shown to be safe and one of the most cost effective ways to do this and was just as good as other costly moisturizers and products. Amazon has great deals on varying sizes and brands of petroleum jelly or white petrolatum products. 


My go- to brand to recommend for patients with lots of skin allergies or sensitivities is Vanicream. I tell patients to search their stores for it but they usually only find one or two products from this line at their local stores. Amazon has it! This affordable product line is great in that it has no dyes, no lanolin, no formaldehyde, no fragrances, no paraben and is gluten free.  I usually tell people to save their time and stock up on Amazon. They also have shampoos, conditioners, hair products, moisturizers, sunblocks, and soaps.



This leads me to the most important thing to stock up on - sunblock! I prefer patients use zinc and/or titanium based sunscreens. I went to my local drugstore, grocery store, a Walmart and a Target a couple of summers ago to see what their aisles had available for my patients. I am sending my patients out with recommendations and need to make sure they can find them. I’m located in King of Prussia - the center of the universe for retail (I can launch into my fun stats with very little encouragement:)  I found it almost impossible to find zinc or titanium based sunblocks. It took a lot of digging. I encourage stores to put these out and center and to highlight them. However, if you have a go-to brand you love- hoard it! Remember, when it comes to sunblock we just want you to use it- we don’t care what brand name you get. If it’s affordable you will be more likely to use it and use it generously. If you have issues with sensitivity to sunblock or your eyes burn when you use it- just get Vanicream Sunscreen. It’s usually the preservatives and fragrances that irritate our skin when it comes to sunblock.



One of my favorite brand names that I can’t find at stores but I stock up on Amazon is ‘The Ordinary’. Their azaleic acid 10 % suspension is my favorite base and can lighten discoloration on the skin and prevent acne in patients with sensitive skin. It goes on with a dry touch. Their Hyaluronic acid 2% solution hydrates the skin effectively and is not overpriced! 


And, lastly, humidifiers are a great addition during the winter to prevent dry skin. 




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